Monday, July 30, 2012

Beautiful day

Exactly 10 days ago, I rolled my right foot stepping off a curb. It didn't swell as I expected it to and within a few days, it didn't hurt much at all. Four days later I went for a 2.5 mile run in my hood and it felt a little sore after that so I stayed off of it for the rest of the week.  One week later, on Saturday, it felt alright, so I decided to complete the shortest route of 5 miles that was open for our running group. Again, I finished feeling OK, not great, but OK. 

LQ & I spent a beautifully fine day with my oldest daughter in Austin and went hiking along one of the greenbelts. :)

We had a great day together - hiking, eating, swimming & even got to watch a movie at her apartment.  LQ and I got home pretty late but very blessed that we made the trip.  F was a spectacular hostess <3


I woke up Sunday morning and my right foot was not doing the happy dance!  The greenbelt was a very rocky trail.  My foot hurt.  A.Lot!  I seriously need to rest it.  One week was not enough.  I've got a pretty busy marathon/half-marathon calendar for the Fall/Winter season and I would hate to miss any of it :(  First marathon is in 12 weeks...

Marathon/Half-Marathon Schedule
Oct 27 - Chosen Marathon
Dec 31 & Jan 1 - New Years Double Marathons

So, for the next 2-4 weeks, I am going to rest my foot.  I will commit to a swim, bike and yoga schedule at the gym and resist the urge to put these asphalt-kickers on my feet...

Psa 16:8-10
"I have set the Lord always before me.  Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay."

I must rest and trust that this desire to run marathons and half-marathons will not go unfulfilled.  This is not only a physical activity for me but an opportunity to show what He has physically done in me. 

I will rest...

Monday, July 16, 2012

New dining

Last summer we were supposed to get a new dining table but we had to use that money to fix the AC in my car. 

We were able to get that dining table today. This is my view tonight.

I am pleased :)  Thank you honey <3

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cool Kid : Blessed Mom

Yesterday my boy asked me, "Mom, are you running in the morning?"


Boy, "do you like these?" as he is holding the box of grape nuts.

Me, "Yes, but not by themselves. I mix them with other things."

Later in the day, boy said, "Mom, I have a surprise for you, tell me when you go to bed."

So I did and this morning I woke up to a cereal mix for me to munch on while I ran 10 miles.  He is such a cool kid and I am one blessed mom.

Monday, July 2, 2012