Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Father's Day is almost always filled with laughter, fun, basketball & lots of food.
This Father's Day was a pretty awesome one.
Our girls went to court and legally had their names changed and gave my
husband, their Dad of 18 years, a very special gift.
They now wear his last name.

Hubster with his "Snow-babies"
Happy Father's Day!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Lady loves to Run

One month ago we got a dog from the animal defense league.

Her name is Lady.  She has a lot of energy and has been a perfect running accountability partner. A few days ago I got dressed to go to the run store for a pace run with our run group. Hubster was home when I left and Lady followed me to the front door as she now recognizes when I'm going to go for a run, but of course I had to leave her behind. Then I got this message...
I had no idea she would get so upset :(

So I took her out the next morning for 3.5 miles in our 'hood.

Then she was happy  


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Graduation & Cartwheel

Haven't blogged in a long time - mostly because I'm not on my PC or laptop as often as I used to be.  Hubs bought me an android tablet last summer to pair up with my Galaxy phone - the Galaxy phone by the end of the year became my enemy.  I went back to an iPhone for my birthday in January and then he bought me an iPad for Mother's Day so I could be "in sync" and my techno-life would be smooth and simple once again.

With all this mobile technology you'd think it would be easier to "blog" but the app for Blogger via android & iOS have not been the easiest to use and there's been the challenge of accessing and sharing photos and videos.  I'm sure there are bloggers that have taken the time to figure out all the how-to-details but I'm not a "figure-outer" - I'm a "show me how it works so I can do it" kinda girl. 

Now you know where I've been <wink, wink>

My niece is graduating from high school in a couple of weeks and we had her graduation party for her and my cousin's son this past Sunday.

My niece will be going to Schreiner University and my cousin is joining the military.  We are very proud of both of them and excited to see what the futures holds for them.
We had the graduation party at Mission County Park #2.  I love what they've done with this place - very nice & clean, with lots to do.  There's a big open field that you could play Frisbee, fly kites or work on your cartwheels...
That was not so graceful and was slightly painful.  I decided then that I would consult an expert.  I asked my cousin, who is a highly-skilled gymnast - she competes & has won tons of medals - to show me how it's done...
My cartwheel needs some work.  Hehe! 
(and for the record, she is slightly younger than me)
My Mom has 6 sisters (yes, that's a total of 7 women) and I had to get ONE of them to execute a cartwheel and I knew exactly which one of my Aunts would take on the challenge.  If you know my family, you already know who would do it...
Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

If you have tasted & you have seen...

Watch "Soulstice - Rise and Sing - Steve Fee" on YouTube

"Our God is risen and reigning and we're elevating
The glory of our God and King, everybody rise & sing!"

It's the day after the presidential election, and these results are permanent...
* God is my Provider
* Jesus is my Saviour
* The Holy Spirit is my Counselor

I am blessed to be a part of the greatest nation in this world. 
I have the freedom to worship, to marry, to education, and to vote. 
I have the freedom to follow the will of my Father for every step in my life and I have the freedom to share His grace and mercy with those who walk with and around me.

Josh 24:15
But if you refuse to serve the LORD, then choose today who you will serve. 
Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? 
Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? 
But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD."

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Painting Birthday Party

Have you heard of Painting with a Twist ?

It's a painting class, whereby, you and a friend or two (or 10)
meet, paint a canvas, as instructed by a local artist,
share a bottle of wine (or 6... um, yea... )
and paint.

We met there this past week for my mother-in-law's birthday.
She's the one pictured in the middle.
...Dora, Dee, Linda, the birthday girl, Debi, & Sophie...

...Brenda, Sandy, Connie, Carmen...

... and Me... here with my Mamacita.


And talked my ashphalt-kicking-sister, Connie, into coming with me.
(it wasn't that hard to do, lol)

 We all look so involved in our creations...
But, it could have been the wine, or champagne, or even the relish tray!

We all left with a beautiful canvas to place in our homes
(or give away as white elephant gifts - beware!), but mostly
we got together and created a fun-filled memory of a birthday-evening
of laughter, food, wine & treasured friendships!

I'm looking forward to doing this again!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hubster Bday

Last week we celebrated Hubster's 40th bday... We went to dinner at Texas Land & Cattle and he had himself a man's steak! 

Of which, the boy ate almost 1/3 of... LOL

Then we had dessert at his mom's house - didn't get a pic of the carrot cake from J.Alexander's or the chocolate spice cake from Tiago's... trust me, they were unbelievable!

This past weekend we went to dinner to celebrate one of my BFF's birthday and I remembered to ask someone to take our picture, since I alway seem to forget to do that... lol

Happy Birthday to my wonderful hubster!
I Thank God Everday for creating you and for joining us together to get thru this life.  I love you!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Beautiful day

Exactly 10 days ago, I rolled my right foot stepping off a curb. It didn't swell as I expected it to and within a few days, it didn't hurt much at all. Four days later I went for a 2.5 mile run in my hood and it felt a little sore after that so I stayed off of it for the rest of the week.  One week later, on Saturday, it felt alright, so I decided to complete the shortest route of 5 miles that was open for our running group. Again, I finished feeling OK, not great, but OK. 

LQ & I spent a beautifully fine day with my oldest daughter in Austin and went hiking along one of the greenbelts. :)

We had a great day together - hiking, eating, swimming & even got to watch a movie at her apartment.  LQ and I got home pretty late but very blessed that we made the trip.  F was a spectacular hostess <3


I woke up Sunday morning and my right foot was not doing the happy dance!  The greenbelt was a very rocky trail.  My foot hurt.  A.Lot!  I seriously need to rest it.  One week was not enough.  I've got a pretty busy marathon/half-marathon calendar for the Fall/Winter season and I would hate to miss any of it :(  First marathon is in 12 weeks...

Marathon/Half-Marathon Schedule
Oct 27 - Chosen Marathon
Dec 31 & Jan 1 - New Years Double Marathons

So, for the next 2-4 weeks, I am going to rest my foot.  I will commit to a swim, bike and yoga schedule at the gym and resist the urge to put these asphalt-kickers on my feet...

Psa 16:8-10
"I have set the Lord always before me.  Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay."

I must rest and trust that this desire to run marathons and half-marathons will not go unfulfilled.  This is not only a physical activity for me but an opportunity to show what He has physically done in me. 

I will rest...