Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Potato chip sandwiches...

Today is Dec 1st.
I'm not sure why that has became a big deal today but for some reason it did.
Today is the first day of the last month of the year.
Really?  So soon?  WOW!
THAT'S why it's a big deal.
Time to meet get the ball rolling on those resolution goals that I made at the beginning of the year cuz time is running out.
But first...

Today I'm linking up to a linking party "From This Side of the Pond" blog.
There's some pretty funny stuff over there along with other bloggers who have linked up and answered 8 random questions.  Make sure you go take a look.

1. What is the most interesting thing you've done in the last year?
Made New Year Resolutions that was 12 items long.
Met 3 of the 12 which included 1-get better with my guitar which I started taking lessons, 2-journaling more often, I even started a blog, & 3-read 10 books, currently reading #10.
I don't think I'll get to the other 9 but looking back at it - what was I thinking?
A chore chart?  Really?

I started bowling again with Q.
Makes us both super happy to spend Wednesday nights together.

I ran a full 26.2 mile marathon!

My children keep growing up and have kept me smiling, laughing, crying, yelling, and all other -ing's you can think of.  I am so blessed!
F turned 20, LQ turned 6 & V turned 18.

2. What is your most meaningful family heirloom?
My Great-Grandpa's bible.
It's in Spanish and very old but I have fond memories of watching him read it.
My Mom has it right now.

3. What food festival would you most like to attend? If you're not sure click here to see a list of possibilities.
San Antonio's FIESTA!
And our church festival at River City

4. you love it or is it considered a four letter word where you live?
Umm... I love it - it's my last name!
There's hardly ever ANY snow where I live.

5. Can you ski? Do you ski? Are you any good?
I love skiing.  I've been a total of 3 times.
Does that make me a novice?
We have to travel far for it cuz we get none of that here in South Texas.
I'm still looking for a picture from our last trip.
I am pretty good.  I think.  I haven't broken anything.  That's gotta be a good thing.

6. What quality in your spouse or best friend are you most thankful for?
Q is a realist which balances out my overzealous optimism.
Yes, he really is... Really.

7. Describe the coziest spot in your home.
Q's leather lazy-boy in the living room.
My worn out recliner in the bedroom.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
My favorite snack is a potato chip sandwich.
Lay's Thin or Ruffles Ridges with white bread.


  1. What a fun last name : ) I enjoyed your answers...congrats on the marathon-that's a big deal!

  2. WOW I use to eat potato chips sandwiches as well. Never knew anyone else that did that! Glad I stopped by.

  3. dad says long live potato chip sandwiches

  4. Long live potato chip sandwiches

  5. My Aussie husband introduced me to potato chip sandwiches. Love the spongebob costumes!
