Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May in Pictures... Plus Hodgepodge

Here's what we did in May.

LQ played the Snail in Frog & Toad.

I went to College Station to visit F and her new kitten.

There were many Sonic happy hours for LQ & I.
Dad & LQ got to share one for themselves while I was in CS.

Had a beautiful Mother's Day.

Got an awesome waffle iron.

Made, and ATE, lots of waffles.

Started Marathon training.

Went to Reading Restaurant at LQ's school.
There was no power, therefore dark and very warm.
But, very rewarding.

Ate pizza.

Played Dance Central on Kinect.

Played disc golf.

Q had to dry his socks on the way to church one Sunday. 

Played disc golf again, and hunted for my disc for
at least 20 minutes before we spotted it in this tree.

We celebrated LQ's 7th birthday with family & classmates.
We had water fun, frozen t-shirts, colored bubbles, spongebob, & cake!

Went to a baby shower for F's BFF.

Our church purchased the Verizon Ampitheater property
and we held a celebration & ice cream party.

LQ finished tball.

We played more disc golf.

Spent $14 at a couple of garage sales.

And ate a 28" pizza.

Whew!  I'm tired & full!

Linking up with Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge today!
Show some love & give her & everyone else a read :)

1. Have you ever been to the US capital-Washington DC? If so, what's your favorite site? If not, what would you most like to see on a visit to that city someday in the future? Is it even on your list of places to visit?
Went 5(?) years ago on a business trip.
I loved the Lincoln Memorial & Vietnam Memorial Wall.
Wish I had more time for more sight-seeing.
Hope to go again with the hubster.

2. When did you last attend a wedding? Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? Were you a summer bride? If you're single, is summer the season of your dream wedding?
Last wedding was in October.
The hubster's best friend is getting married this summer in July.
We - I - am so excited.
He's an awesome guy and has met a wonderful woman.

3. What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?
With my bare hands.
With a little sugar.
Or, on top of angel food cake with whipped cream.
With a fork ;)

4. What is one thing you are especially looking forward to this summer?
Eric's wedding.
Going to Vegas with the hubster.
Swimming pools.
(was I only supposed to list one?)

5. Do you use/like the self checker at the grocery store?
Only if I have less than 5 items.
Otherwise, I stand in line.
HEB rocks at getting people in and out quickly.

6. Share a favorite piece of common sense advice.
Help someone else whenever you can.
Lying, especially to yourself, is way too much work.

7. Barefoot, flip flops, tennis shoes, sassy sandals-your first choice for summertime?
Flip flops & tennis shoes.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
It's National Running Day!
Go out and run!
Even a little!
The hubster ran 3 feet this morning!


  1. You're hubs and I are a similar kind of runner : ) I do love hiking and power walking though...that should count for something.

    You had quite a May!

  2. I am impressed with your marathon training! Loved all the pictues. :)
