Sunday, April 24, 2011

Glorious Day

I've been humming the chorus to this song all day.

Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as could be
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin
Dwelt among men, my example is He
Word became flesh and the light shined among us
His glory revealed


One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me


One day the grave could conceal Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He arose, over death He had conquered
Now He’s ascended, my Lord evermore
Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him
From rising again


One day the trumpet will sound for His coming
One day the skies with His glories will shine
Wonderful day, my Beloved One, bringing
My Savior, Jesus, is mine


Oh, Glorious Day

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Love Rock

The hubster went to play disc golf this weekend without me.
(I was busy hemming a prom dress.)
He came home and told me he thought about me the whole time.
And he found this rock.

And he played his best game to date.
Awe :)


Linking up with Joyce today
Click the button below and visit her blog and other hodgepodgers

1. What are your plans for Easter Day/weekend?
Friday, the kiddos are off from school for Good Friday.
I'm thinking we can have a picnic at the park and go hiking or something.
Saturday, LQ has a birthday party in the afternoon and we'll probably go play disc golf and watch movies.
Sunday Church, Easter Egg hunt, then to Mom's for BBQ & cascarone wars!!!

2. Besides Jesus, what one person from The Bible would you most like to meet and why?
Esther.  She was young & beautiful and although she didn't always understand why she was chosen to be queen to Xerxes and what her position was, she prayerfully and faithfully acted in obedience.
Esther 4:14, "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but and your father's family will perish.  And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

3. What is one modern day convenience you didn't have as a child that was easy to live without?
Cell phones.  I do use mine all the time, but the times I forget it, I don't miss it.

4. Are you more right brained or left brained?
I took this little quiz, here, and it concluded that I am more right-brained than left-brained (52% vs 48%).
..."I'm a creative thinker who uses feeling an intuition to gather information.  I retain this information throught the use of images and patterns and am able to visualize the 'whole' picture first, and then work backwards to put the pieces together to create the 'whole' picture."...

Mmm... Maybe

5. What is something you intended to do today but didn't? Why?
Put a roast in the crock pot.  I wanted to do this yesterday but needed to get to the grocery store for some extra ingredients but never made it there.  I had to go to the county clerk's office to pay a traffic ticket.  Eke!

6. Cadbury Creme Eggs or Reeses peanut butter?

7. Who was your favorite cartoon character when you were a child?
Mickey Mouse

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am on a mission to lose 12 pounds.
Started back to the gym and have started running again.
Now all I need to do is get this eating thing under control!
I finished off a really good salad for lunch today and since it's Wednesday,
Q, V, & I eat an early dinner at Subway between our music lessons and bowling.
But I'm really looking forward to those Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs on Sunday!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weekends not for Wimps...

Friday.  The kiddos were off for our Fiesta Battle of Flowers Holiday.  Remember I told you about Fiesta in San Antonio?  A common city-wide-mantra is "no siesta til after Fiesta."  We didn't go to the parade but we did manage to fill our day.  V, LQ & I met my mother-in-law for breakfast, then V & I went to get pedi-mani's since she had prom on Saturday.  Then V ran a couple of errands she had for shoes & accessories while LQ & I did a few things at home.  Friday night my friend Diane came over and we did some crafting.  I painted a new scripture canvas that I was trying to match to family print but I'm not sure if it quite matches but I'm happy with the way it came out so I'll try to use it somewhere...

Saturday.  Can you say "busy, busy, busy"?  LQ had a t-ball game at 10, so off to the ballfield we went.

Adorable :)

We got home around close to noon and the hubster & I thought we'd be able to go out and play a game of disc golf after I helped V with her dress.  I don't know when or where I convinced myself that I could use "no-sew" tape to hem V's dress in an hour.  After trying to pin it for about an hour & a half, I realized that I was going to have to cut about 5 inches and use my sewing machine.  I was starting to panic and sweat.  So I called one of the alteration places right by my house and pleaded if they could "hem while I waited."  He said, "no way and that I should not touch the dress or I could ruin it."  At this point, I felt nauseous.  So I ate.  Q & LQ went to play disc golf without me. 

Then V said to me, "you can do it mom, even if you mess it up, it'll be ok cuz I'm gonna have it hemmed shorter anyway."  Wasn't that sweet?  It was almost 3 o'clock, so I mouthed a hundred prayers, cut 5 inches from both the dress and the lining, and started to sew.

I finished by 4:30!  Whew!  V looked stunning!

After the kids left for prom, I set up the table to make some Easter cascarones.

After all was said and done, I sat down with LQ and we watched Tangled in 3D.  I loved it!

It was a busy, busy, busy couple of days, and I loved, Loved, LOVED it...

... when it was over.  ;) lol

Friday, April 15, 2011

Basketball and a Hotel

Last weekend, LQ & I, went on a road trip to Dallas to see my nephew play in a basketball tournament with the SA Hurricanes.  LQ was really excited about staying in a hotel.  We got there on Friday night and if you ask LQ what the best part about staying in a hotel is - he'd say "the pool."  He woke up on Saturday morning and was ready to dive in!  I, however, was not.  It was 75 degrees outside and there were 21+mph winds so it was not exactly hot Texas weather.  So being the good Mom that I am, after breakfast, I let him get in while I sat poolside and finished my coffee.

Then we looked up and saw these little boys peeking from their window.

Then a nice couple came out to the pool with their kids, so I gave in to parent-peer-pressure and got in the pool with my boy.

For the record, I do not have a "duck foot."

We had a real good time watching Patric and all the teams play - it amazes me how big these boys are...

Patric is on the left and LQ is the little one in the middle (in case you didn't know - heehee).

One of the team dad's took some really good pics.  Here's a good action shot of Patric.

I love watching Patric play basketball.  He plays with so much passion!
I'm looking forward to watching him play again.  He plays in Houston next and I think his team will be travelling to College Station in a couple of months.

The other very cool thing about staying at a hotel, especially the ones that have complimentary breakfast available, is none other than...





** Visit some of these blogs while you're here from the Company Girls **

Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's Fiesta week in San Antonio! 
"Fiesta really is one of America’s truly great festivals. It began as a way to honor the memory of the heroes of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto. That commemoration still takes place. But over the past century and more, Fiesta has grown into a celebration of San Antonio’s rich and diverse cultures. 2011 marks Fiesta’s 120th anniversary."

For most of my life I've done at least one thing Fiesta, but I might miss it this year!  For the past couple of years, I've run in the Fiesta Flambeau parade, then hung around for all the Fiesta family fun afterwards.  But I won't be able to this year cuz of my foot (which has gotten better, and I started running again this week - yippee!); PLUS, V has her high school prom this Saturday and we have a day of errands and prepping on Friday and LQ has a tball game on Sat morning.  Maybe, maybe, maybe, I can convince the hubster to take me to watch the parade on Saturday night.  It's more my thing than his, but I really do love a parade!

For now, I'm catching up with yesterday's Hodgepodge at Joyce's blog.

1. Would you rather talk to everyone at a crowded party for a short time or have a significant conversation with two people?
Significant conversation with one or two people.  Good, in the sense that I get to know and understand someone on a deeper level.  Not so good, cuz I miss not getting to know everyone else.

2. What objects do you remember from your parent's living room?
Big floor Texas state flag pillow my Mom had made.  My Mom used to make all kinds of crafty things while she was at work.  She worked as an LVN at a day mental health clinic.

3. Do you hog the bed? Steal the covers? Snore?
I stay on my side of the bed.  I don't steal the covers, but I do hold on to them pretty tightly.  When the hubster rolls over he tends to pull them over with him.  As far as snoring, I don't think I snore loud or often, but I have woken myself up on very few occassions.  :)

4. Speaking of Easter dinner....what is your favorite way to cook/eat lamb? Or does just the thought of that make you squeamish? If you're not cooking lamb what will be your entree du jour on Easter Sunday?
I'm pretty sure that I've never eaten lamb for Easter.  Most of the time, it's a backyard barbecue with chicken, fajitas, sausage & sides include, spanish rice, borracho beans, potato salad & tortillas.

5. Let's throw some politics into this week's mix-oooohhh...Do you know the whereabouts of your birth certificate and when was the last time you had to produce it to prove you're you?
I have mine in a file cabinet in a big zip lock baggie.  Very secure.

6. As a child, how did people describe you?
Considering as I was the oldest child and grandchild, I was probably a little bossy.  Perhaps members of my family - dad, mom, sister, brother or cousins would like to comment (but be nice!).

7. What do you complain about the most?
These days, how fast this year is going!!!  If you are watching The Amazing Race and are over 40, maybe you're living this along side of me... "Once your over the hill you pick up speed."  Eke!!!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm behind in my blogging!  LQ & I went on a road trip this past weekend to Dallas to go watch my nephew Patric play basketball.  We had a good time - so I hope to recap it for you very soon!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mm..Hmm..Good Stuff

I really enjoyed Casey's live version of this song last week on American Idol...  Good Stuff :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lovely Friday :)

March is over!  WOW!  Where did it go?

Getting ready to head out for a fun and crazy day!  Having lunch with my Tia Terry, then going to go see Brandon Heath tonight with my cousin Alex.  I'll leave you with a song.