Monday, September 26, 2011

When I run, It gives me time to think about what I know,
what I think I know,
and what I don't know...

Friday, September 23, 2011

4 months... 4 marathons

As I was getting ready tonight for an 18 mile run tomorrow, it has dawned on me that there are 7 weeks left til marathon #1 of 4.

Nov 13 = San Antonio Rock 'n Roll Marathon
Dec 4 = Dallas White Rock Marathon
Jan 15 = Houston Chevron Marathon
Feb 12 = Austin Livestrong Marathon

Somewhere along the way I thought this was a really fun idea... Yea, I must be crazy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Boy is a planner...

LQ is in 2nd grade this year and he (we) were assigned his (our) first "project" for the year.  A diorama.  I must not have paid attention back when I was in elementary school, and I guess I didn't pay much attention when F & V were in elementary school either, because I don't remember ever using the word "diorama" to describe what I think I've always called a "shadow box."

But that's OK.  LQ described the word (his teacher sent home an instruction sheet. thank you!) and yesterday he started planning his diorama for a rural farm.

He's a planner like his daddy.

I would have just started coloring and pasting.

This is gonna take a few days :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

James read-along

I like reading blogs.  Some are inspiring, some make me laugh, some make me cry, many make me think, and many call me to pray.  I was blog-hopping this morning and went from Joyce's blog to Marla's blog and read about a James Read-Along.

The book of James has shown up on many occassions
 this year.  It was at the Priscilla Shirer event I went to in February, it was a focus for Beth Moore's study this year - looking forward to her published study on this one - Jam 1:2-3 is one of my memory verses this year, and only yesterday James 1:12 was my daily verse from my daily devotion (which by the way, I started daily devotions again just yesterday after not doing them for the entire Summer).

Anyone else want to join me?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sun Fun

We went to my parent's house for a BBQ this past weekend and they set up their swimming pool.  It was fun watching them both make a whirlpool with LQ in the water.  It reminded me of when I was a kid and they'd play with me, my sister & brother.