Monday, August 30, 2010

Holding the Faith

"Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.  In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."   (Luke 8:25)

Getting ready for Father to do something amazing in my heart & soul.  I'm getting into the boat and I know there will be stormy weather that will rock said boat.  Help me Jesus to not fear the raging waters and to hold on firmly to my faith in You!

Friday, August 27, 2010


First week of school - DONE!

I have been looking forward to getting life back on to a schedule, but the transition from flexible to structure can take it's toll.  Getting up early every day, making breakfast, packing lunches, dropping off, picking up, planning meals, signing papers, taking baths, reading stories, and turning off the lights - oh! and let's not forget about all the pets, dog, fish & chinchillas, they need tending too - oh! and the household things, like cleaning, grocery shopping, & laundry, gotta fit those things in - oh! and...  you get the picture :)

Here's little Q getting ready to go to 1st grade - He's such a dork & I love him!

Here's Vicki - Getting ready to head off to her Senior Year at Madison HS.  She kept shaking her head so I wouldn't take her picture.  She's crazy & I love her!

Here's my dog, Bomber.  After the kids left I looked down at him and reminded that it was just me & him for the day.  I think he was happy.  He can be a pain, but I love him too.

I don't have a 'back to school' picture of Felicia since she lives in her own apartment.  She's been pretty busy this week getting her new schedule set up with school and work.  She'll be here this weekend working on a paper and some math homework.  Hope to snap a pic of that.  Busy girl and I love her too!

Friday, August 20, 2010

A little news...

Grandma Sara. 

She's still in the hospital.  They were scheduled to perform a colonscopy yesterday but when they tried to do it, she still had some blockage so they are going to try again today.  I went to see her yesterday and she looked tired and weak.  It made me sad to see her that way.  I'm still praying for a little more time but I trust God and am so grateful to Him that she is my Grandma.  I love looking at her face - her eyes, her hair, her smile, her cheeks - she is so beautiful and I love her very much.  I love hearing her laugh, it doesn't matter how strong or weak her laughter is, it warms my heart and then I love her even more.  I can only imagine how much God loves her.  He knows so much more about who she is than I ever could.  I am just so blessed to be her granddaughter.

... and it's Friday.

On most Fridays, it means that my hubby and I go out to dinner (Vicki usually works and sometimes the boy is with us and sometimes not).  But tonight I am going to a vocal training party for the worship group, and I'm looking forward to it.  Since I'm moving over to the NW campus for a spell, I sure am going to miss singing and hanging out with this group.  Hubby and I are going to San Francisco on the 29th for a week so we'll make up date night with date week.

Bonus!  I don't have a 6am Saturday morning run - so I get to sleep past 5am.  The running group is still gathering for a 10k race but I opted not to run the race and sleep til 6:30 and enjoy a homebound 10k run plus use the $30 registration fee for a new pair of running sunglasses. 

Monday is "Back to School!"  I've been doing the "happy dance" for a few days now.  All the school supplies have been purchased, all we want to get this weekend are new shoes.  I'm thinking that it would be a fine idea to get out to the pool while everyone else hits the tax-free weekend.  Yes, I will miss the fun filled days of summer, but I'm looking forward to getting back onto a schedule.

Friday, August 13, 2010

My Grandma

My Grandma was admitted to the hospital last night and she was not doing very good.  I went to visit with her today and although she looks and sounds better today, she was still in ICU trying to get her blood levels back to normal range (blood sugar had dropped to below 20) among other things that need to get back to normal (like potassium, calcium & sodium levels), she doesn't want to eat since it upsets her stomach and goes right through her.  I'm praying for some relief for her and I'm praying that God will allow us all to celebrate a physical recovery for her so we can take her home and enjoy her life and company a little longer.

This year she will celebrate her 87th birthday on 10/12.  If you ever get a chance to meet her, you will know exactly where I (and all of her daughters, grand-daughters, & great grand-daughters) have learned how to laugh.

Here she is at her 85th birthday celebration.

Here we are at Fiesta Flambeau 2009.

She has always had a sweet tooth so when Little Q gave her a Ring Pop she was all over it.

Of course, he made sure he had one too.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I don't receive flowers often, but I got these last night from ladies in our book club for hosting at my house.  You know, although flowers don't last a long time, for the moment, they sure do satisfy that desire to feel loved.  They also make me feel pretty.

The children...

Here's a pretty good picture of my kiddos - Felicia, Victoria & Little Quentin.  We took it last fall while at my sister's house before a football game.  It has amazed me at how quickly time goes.  Felicia will be 20 in November, Victoria turns 18 this month and Little Quentin is now 6.  I remember when I became a new mom and could not believe that God was going to let me take care of one of His precious spirits.  And then, He gave me 2 more.

I am so blessed...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

the Beginning...

This is where it begins.  I've been watching others do the "blog thing" and have been tempted to start one of my own but hadn't because I doubted that I'd have anything to share that would hold the interest of blog followers.  But, I'm working on my insecurity issues, so here I am - my first blog. 

I've gone out for a short run and I've just finished my second cup of coffee and now, I am speechless...  mostly because I am trying to "figure out" all of the ins & outs of blogging.  Getting started is no easy task.  You have to consider the template/background you want to use, what do I want to title my blog, how do I insert pictures, need to figure out what is a gadget and/or widget, when do I need a link, how to express myself using fonts, and a big challenge has been editing my profile.  What do I want people to know about me?  Thank goodness a friend answered my plea for blogging-aid and came to my rescue.