Tuesday, December 27, 2011


December is such a crazy month!  Haven't updated my blog because I've been doing this (shopping) & that (field trips) & everything else (exactly)!

And I only have 19 training days til Houston Chevron... and 54 training days til Austin Livestrong marathons!!!  That's #3 & #4 for this season.  Wish I hadn't come down with the flu 2 days before Christmas since now I have 'the cough' that takes forever to go away - so I haven't had a long run in almost 2 weeks now!  Plus - I've yet to write my Race Report for the Dallas White Rock Marathon...  I have pics put aside so I'll finish it this week.


This Christmas has been an amazing testimony to God's love for my family.  I am so thankful for all the prayers.  Our Christmas Day was spent at home in pajamas with food, games, movies and lots of peace, warmth & love!  Praise God! 

I took some candid shots on Christmas Eve at my Mom's.  I didn't take any pics on Christmas Day - charged the camera and never used it!  Oh well...  this is all I got... Haha!

God Bless!

Thursday, December 8, 2011



An acoustic version of a really good song.
Listen to it.
Sing it.
Pray it.

Yes I will rise
Out of these ashes rise
From this trouble I have found
And this rubble on the ground
I will rise

Yes I will rise
Out of these ashes rise
From this trouble I have found
And this rubble on the ground
I will rise
Cause He Who is in me
Is greater than I will ever be
And I will rise

Sometimes my heart is on the ground
And hope is nowhere to be found
Love is a figment I once knew
And yet I hold on to what I know is true


Well I keep on coming to this place
That I don't know quite how to face
So I lay down my life in hopes to die
That somehow I might rise

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

O Christmas Tree

So glad that we put the tree up early this year... Normally it's not set up til 2 weeks before Christmas then it stays up until sometime in January... Ok, February... I admit it ;)

Friday, November 18, 2011


You'd think after training & running a marathon one would experience weight loss.  Not me.  I lost a few pounds at the beginning of this training season, but I still have 5-7 lbs that my belly has been holding on to for the last 3 months.  Yes, regular exercise is good for you but eating healthy is key.  Why is it so challenging?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Little Light

Heard this song for the first time today...
It made me cry...
It gave me hope...
I thought of those I've known for only a moment...
I thought of those I've known for a long time...
It made never want to stop letting people how much they matter...
Being a little light matters.

Monday, November 14, 2011

It was a Hard Rock Race...

Ran the Rock 'n Roll San Antonio Marathon this weekend...

Went to the Expo on Friday with Minnie...

Took a fun photo of an "elite finish time" ...


Met up with members of my running group.
We all look good and we were ready to Rock this Race!
(Minnie, Me, Roger, Lori, Sara, Chris, Lindy)

The sky was overcasted and we had lots of fog.  I was crossing my fingers that the weather would stay like this to the end in spite of the forecast for warm weather.

Got to the 10k marker and the weather was still good, and I was feeling good.  Music was good.  Lots of runners on the route.


Got to mile 14 and saw my sister and my boy.  My garmin had me at 2:30.  At this rate/pace, I figured I'd finish close to, or less than, the time for last year's Rock 'n Roll. (5:20)  The sun was breaking thru the clouds.  I was still feeling good ... but then ...

At around mile 16, my hands started to tingle, so I walked.  I stopped at a cooling station for a couple of minutes, then got myself to the medical tent at mile 18.  As soon as I laid down, the tingling stopped and after the doc checked me out, he said I'd be OK - and honestly, I felt I would be too.  So I got up and kept going.  The heat and humidity got the best of me from then on.

The rest of the race was rough.  Miles 16 to 21 took me 1:40 to complete.  Each time I tried to run, I felt lightheaded.  My hands didn't tingle anymore but my energy was drained.  I was overwhelmed when I saw my sister and my son at mile 21 and I cried - my sister cried with me.  I was so happy to see them.   It meant so much.  (Sister & I talked this morning and she said had I said the word, she would have driven me to the finish line - now THAT'S what sisters are all about!  Love You Rosie!!!) 

I made it to the finish line but I walked to the end and I stopped 3 more times.  Once at a medical tent to get ice and twice on the side of the course to lay down.  I was tempted to quit because I didn't want to walk anymore but I also wanted to finish.  Marathoners understand where I'm coming from. 

I knew it was going to be challenging run.  I felt prepared - I had eaten well - I had rested - I had hydrated - I had trained.  I've trained thru Texas summers but this was brutal.

You never know how your body is going to react to environment, weather, events, etc.

My finish time was 6:23:00.
Not what I was expecting.  I got home and got in an ice bath.  My face and my arms were hot and I had a headache - I'm pretty sure that I was experiencing heat exhaustion.

My awesome husband took me to eat a post-race burger & fries at Red Robin's.  I love post-race burgers because I don't worry about calories - I just eat.



I am feeling much better today.  Not too sore, but I'm tired.  My headache has lessened but still lingering.  Hoping that ibuprofen will help.

So, "Why would anyone want to run 26.2 miles?"
My answer(s)...

I needed to lose weight, and I needed a goal since just going to the gym felt pointless.  After I lost weight, running became my "gotta-get-it-done" activity.  My mindset is that when the time comes for me to leave this world, it will be because it's my time to go and not because I am not taking care of myself.

Running brings me closer to my Father and the creator of the universe. We have had many intimate conversations during these times.

I train for and run marathons because it teaches me about commitment and perseverance.

I run with a group because I want them to experience more than just running.

I also like collecting medals.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Yesterday, the hubster & I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. We have been inseparable for 16 years and he is the most amazing man. I am so blessed and so thankful that God placed us together to share this crazy journey. He is my love and my best friend - nd he totally rocks my world!

 We were treated with sushi for lunch, then palled around for the afternoon. After the boy got home and finished his homework we went and played disc golf, then topped it off with some tasty gourmet pizza from Maars.

We then treated ourselves to a pair of Dallas Cowboys football tickets against the NY Giants in December. :-D Hopefully the Boys will show up and give us a good game. I'm excited about seeing the house that Jerry built and all of its topnotch technology. I'm mostly excited about spending the weekend with the man!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Salad vs Sandwich

I like salads and I like sandwiches.  They both take about the same amount of time to make but clearly can have different caloric effects on my waistline.  I'm just saying.

Monday, September 26, 2011

When I run, It gives me time to think about what I know,
what I think I know,
and what I don't know...

Friday, September 23, 2011

4 months... 4 marathons

As I was getting ready tonight for an 18 mile run tomorrow, it has dawned on me that there are 7 weeks left til marathon #1 of 4.

Nov 13 = San Antonio Rock 'n Roll Marathon
Dec 4 = Dallas White Rock Marathon
Jan 15 = Houston Chevron Marathon
Feb 12 = Austin Livestrong Marathon

Somewhere along the way I thought this was a really fun idea... Yea, I must be crazy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Boy is a planner...

LQ is in 2nd grade this year and he (we) were assigned his (our) first "project" for the year.  A diorama.  I must not have paid attention back when I was in elementary school, and I guess I didn't pay much attention when F & V were in elementary school either, because I don't remember ever using the word "diorama" to describe what I think I've always called a "shadow box."

But that's OK.  LQ described the word (his teacher sent home an instruction sheet. thank you!) and yesterday he started planning his diorama for a rural farm.

He's a planner like his daddy.

I would have just started coloring and pasting.

This is gonna take a few days :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

James read-along

I like reading blogs.  Some are inspiring, some make me laugh, some make me cry, many make me think, and many call me to pray.  I was blog-hopping this morning and went from Joyce's blog to Marla's blog and read about a James Read-Along.

The book of James has shown up on many occassions
 this year.  It was at the Priscilla Shirer event I went to in February, it was a focus for Beth Moore's study this year - looking forward to her published study on this one - Jam 1:2-3 is one of my memory verses this year, and only yesterday James 1:12 was my daily verse from my daily devotion (which by the way, I started daily devotions again just yesterday after not doing them for the entire Summer).

Anyone else want to join me?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sun Fun

We went to my parent's house for a BBQ this past weekend and they set up their swimming pool.  It was fun watching them both make a whirlpool with LQ in the water.  It reminded me of when I was a kid and they'd play with me, my sister & brother.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Me, My Grandpa, & My Dad

My Grandfather, Cipriano, went to be with the Lord last week.  I am so thankful for the 97 years he had on earth and I am overwhelmed with joy knowing that he is dancing at the foot of our Father's throne in heaven with his beautiful wife, Esperanza.

Psalm 127:3-5
Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

Cipriano Salas, born September 26, 1914 entered into eternal rest on August 18, 2011 at the age of 96. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife Esperanza, son Ruben, daughters Juanita & Betty Lou, parents Antonio & Belen Salas. He is survived by his sons Roberto Salas, Rodolfo Salas & wife Bertha, Estevan Salas & wife Carmen, Ricardo Salas, Ernest Salas & wife Magda, grandchildren Gina Snow, Rosalinda Harnack, George Salas, Melissa Phillips, Manuel Ramirez, Michael Salas, Ernest Salas Jr., Stacy Salas, Veronica Arguello, Cipriano Salas, Richard Salas Jr., Juan Salas, Frankie Salas, Rudy Salas Jr., Felix Salas, Alex Salas, 22 great-grandchildren, numerous other relatives & friends.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Running around...

To say "this was a busy summer" is an understatement.
My family has been on the run since school let out on June 2nd, handling things scheduled on the calendar and all the unexpected things that made their way to "priority status."

LQ started back to school this week and today I enjoyed a
"back to school" holiday and got a late start to my day.
The plan is to get caught up on my blog this week (and learning the new Blogspot interface) and fill in the holes for the past 3 months.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May in Pictures... Plus Hodgepodge

Here's what we did in May.

LQ played the Snail in Frog & Toad.

I went to College Station to visit F and her new kitten.

There were many Sonic happy hours for LQ & I.
Dad & LQ got to share one for themselves while I was in CS.

Had a beautiful Mother's Day.

Got an awesome waffle iron.

Made, and ATE, lots of waffles.

Started Marathon training.

Went to Reading Restaurant at LQ's school.
There was no power, therefore dark and very warm.
But, very rewarding.

Ate pizza.

Played Dance Central on Kinect.

Played disc golf.

Q had to dry his socks on the way to church one Sunday. 

Played disc golf again, and hunted for my disc for
at least 20 minutes before we spotted it in this tree.

We celebrated LQ's 7th birthday with family & classmates.
We had water fun, frozen t-shirts, colored bubbles, spongebob, & cake!

Went to a baby shower for F's BFF.

Our church purchased the Verizon Ampitheater property
and we held a celebration & ice cream party.

LQ finished tball.

We played more disc golf.

Spent $14 at a couple of garage sales.

And ate a 28" pizza.

Whew!  I'm tired & full!

Linking up with Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge today!
Show some love & give her & everyone else a read :)

1. Have you ever been to the US capital-Washington DC? If so, what's your favorite site? If not, what would you most like to see on a visit to that city someday in the future? Is it even on your list of places to visit?
Went 5(?) years ago on a business trip.
I loved the Lincoln Memorial & Vietnam Memorial Wall.
Wish I had more time for more sight-seeing.
Hope to go again with the hubster.

2. When did you last attend a wedding? Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? Were you a summer bride? If you're single, is summer the season of your dream wedding?
Last wedding was in October.
The hubster's best friend is getting married this summer in July.
We - I - am so excited.
He's an awesome guy and has met a wonderful woman.

3. What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?
With my bare hands.
With a little sugar.
Or, on top of angel food cake with whipped cream.
With a fork ;)

4. What is one thing you are especially looking forward to this summer?
Eric's wedding.
Going to Vegas with the hubster.
Swimming pools.
(was I only supposed to list one?)

5. Do you use/like the self checker at the grocery store?
Only if I have less than 5 items.
Otherwise, I stand in line.
HEB rocks at getting people in and out quickly.

6. Share a favorite piece of common sense advice.
Help someone else whenever you can.
Lying, especially to yourself, is way too much work.

7. Barefoot, flip flops, tennis shoes, sassy sandals-your first choice for summertime?
Flip flops & tennis shoes.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
It's National Running Day!
Go out and run!
Even a little!
The hubster ran 3 feet this morning!