Monday, November 14, 2011

It was a Hard Rock Race...

Ran the Rock 'n Roll San Antonio Marathon this weekend...

Went to the Expo on Friday with Minnie...

Took a fun photo of an "elite finish time" ...


Met up with members of my running group.
We all look good and we were ready to Rock this Race!
(Minnie, Me, Roger, Lori, Sara, Chris, Lindy)

The sky was overcasted and we had lots of fog.  I was crossing my fingers that the weather would stay like this to the end in spite of the forecast for warm weather.

Got to the 10k marker and the weather was still good, and I was feeling good.  Music was good.  Lots of runners on the route.


Got to mile 14 and saw my sister and my boy.  My garmin had me at 2:30.  At this rate/pace, I figured I'd finish close to, or less than, the time for last year's Rock 'n Roll. (5:20)  The sun was breaking thru the clouds.  I was still feeling good ... but then ...

At around mile 16, my hands started to tingle, so I walked.  I stopped at a cooling station for a couple of minutes, then got myself to the medical tent at mile 18.  As soon as I laid down, the tingling stopped and after the doc checked me out, he said I'd be OK - and honestly, I felt I would be too.  So I got up and kept going.  The heat and humidity got the best of me from then on.

The rest of the race was rough.  Miles 16 to 21 took me 1:40 to complete.  Each time I tried to run, I felt lightheaded.  My hands didn't tingle anymore but my energy was drained.  I was overwhelmed when I saw my sister and my son at mile 21 and I cried - my sister cried with me.  I was so happy to see them.   It meant so much.  (Sister & I talked this morning and she said had I said the word, she would have driven me to the finish line - now THAT'S what sisters are all about!  Love You Rosie!!!) 

I made it to the finish line but I walked to the end and I stopped 3 more times.  Once at a medical tent to get ice and twice on the side of the course to lay down.  I was tempted to quit because I didn't want to walk anymore but I also wanted to finish.  Marathoners understand where I'm coming from. 

I knew it was going to be challenging run.  I felt prepared - I had eaten well - I had rested - I had hydrated - I had trained.  I've trained thru Texas summers but this was brutal.

You never know how your body is going to react to environment, weather, events, etc.

My finish time was 6:23:00.
Not what I was expecting.  I got home and got in an ice bath.  My face and my arms were hot and I had a headache - I'm pretty sure that I was experiencing heat exhaustion.

My awesome husband took me to eat a post-race burger & fries at Red Robin's.  I love post-race burgers because I don't worry about calories - I just eat.



I am feeling much better today.  Not too sore, but I'm tired.  My headache has lessened but still lingering.  Hoping that ibuprofen will help.

So, "Why would anyone want to run 26.2 miles?"
My answer(s)...

I needed to lose weight, and I needed a goal since just going to the gym felt pointless.  After I lost weight, running became my "gotta-get-it-done" activity.  My mindset is that when the time comes for me to leave this world, it will be because it's my time to go and not because I am not taking care of myself.

Running brings me closer to my Father and the creator of the universe. We have had many intimate conversations during these times.

I train for and run marathons because it teaches me about commitment and perseverance.

I run with a group because I want them to experience more than just running.

I also like collecting medals.


  1. Hi Gina,

    I was like you overwhelmed by the heat! Like you I walked due to fatigue - it was brutal. I took today and tomorrow off to recover. Everything from my ribs down is really sore. Any guidance on how to recover. I don't think I can even stretch today :( I'm thinking I should try to stretch tomorrow and maybe start walking -thoughts?

    By the way, you are a great coaching and I enjoyed being part of the RED team! Thank you for your inspiration and words of encouragement.

    Sisters in Christ

    Sandy Keys

  2. Hi Sandy - don't stay sedentary. Get up and walk. I know it doesn't feel like it, but it really helps with recovery. I sent a group email out today with some recovery tips. Thanks for sticking it out with the Red team, I have been blessed...

  3. Congrats on finishing! That in itself is an accomplishment! I wish I liked to run. I do love to hike and swim but have never caught the running bug.

  4. Gina, you're so inspiring! I'm so proud of you!

  5. Gina, we did it! You're awesome! Give me a few more days and we can start talking about the next one. OUCH!

  6. Wow Gina! That is so awesome! Way to go finishing the race. I think I would have asked my sister for a ride. ha ha :)

  7. WOW, your post had me a little teary eyed, but in a good and positive way, VERY inspiring!!! You set your mind/goal to finish and you did, that's great. If you had walked or stopped all together, there would be nothing wrong with that. I hope next year to be able to run/walk that marathon. GREAT JOB!!!
